What is urinary incontinence?
Urinary incontinence is the loss of voluntary control over your urinary functions. This condition affects 200 million people worldwide.
Can urinary incontinence be successfully treated?
Yes. While incontinence may be connected to getting older, it is a treatable condition.
What causes female stress incontinence?
Female stress incontinence can develop slowly over time, and may be a result of childbirth. It generally occurs when your pelvic muscles are not strong enough to keep the opening of the bladder neck closed under physical stress such as laughing, coughing, lifting, exercising, or any increased abdominal pressure.
What are the treatment options for stress urinary incontinence?
Today there are multiple treatment options available for patients, including surgical procedures with the Aris® Trans-obturatorr sling systems and the Altis® single incision sling.
Your doctor can discuss these and other treatment options with you.
What is a sling procedure?
A sling procedure is a minimally invasive surgical procedure to correct stress incontinence using a simple hammock or U-shaped sling to support your urethra.
Can I become incontinent again after having a sling procedure?
Currently, sling procedures have a success rate of about 85%, so it is possible to again become incontinent again after a sling procedure. Future pregnancies could also reverse the effects of your surgery, resulting in incontinence once again.
How long does it take to recover from a sling procedure?
Every patient’s recovery time is different. During your recovery, it’s important to avoid heavy lifting and sexual intercourse. Your doctor will be able to provide you with more specific details about your individual recovery process (1).
Are there any risks associated with a sling procedure?
While every surgical procedure carries some risk, serious complications from sling surgery are infrequent. You may experience some trouble with urination following the procedure, ranging from a slower flow to not being able to urinate at all, or you may feel you have to go more often. You may have a reaction to the sling material itself or an infection. Ask your doctor for more information about potential risks and complications, as well as your specific surgery and situation.