Luja™ Male – the next generation of intermittent catheter now with proven faster drainage.​

Luja™ is the first and only catheter with Micro-hole Zone Technology. Instead of 2 big eyelets, Luja has 80+ Micro-holes (1) that allows for complete bladder emptying in one free flow (2). This makes self-catheterising a simpler process (3) as no repositioning is needed and allows for faster bladder emptying (4). 

Micro-holes. Macro difference.

The urine flow only stops when your bladder is completely emptied so when you’re done, you’re done.

Luja empties your bladder quickly and on the first attempt without you having to reposition the catheter.

Designed to ensure your bladder is empties as much as possible to reduce your risk of UTIs (5).

Experiences of other catheter users

"With Luja you can be sure your bladder is fully emptied, very quickly."

Pete, Luja catheter user

"With Luja, I don’t have to worry about urine left behind which can lead to an infection."

Thomas, Luja catheter user

Request your Luja sample

All our sample requests are individually reviewed by our Clinical Services team and we will contact you to ensure the product is the right for you.

Your anatomy*

I have had my continence needs assessed by a Healthcare Professional and prescribed to use intermittent self catheters*

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From time to time, we, Coloplast Limited, would like to let you know about relevant Coloplast products and services; share inspirational stories from other customers; or tell you about forthcoming events via phone, text, email, or post. Our communication to you will be based on the information you provided to us and your preferences and interests, including your heath data. The choice is yours – and as with any of our services, you may opt-out at any time. Keep me informed by:

Male catheterisation video guides

How to use Luja catheter when standing

How to use Luja catheter when standing

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How to use Luja catheter when standing

How to use Luja Male catheter when sitting in a wheelchair

How to use Luja Male catheter when sitting in a wheelchair

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How to use Luja Male catheter when sitting in a wheelchair

  1. Micro-hole Zone Technology features a zone with 80+ micro-holes contrary to conventional 2-eyetlet catheters. Micro-hole Zone Technology 

  2. Luja has close to no flow stops and Complete bladder emptying is defined as <10 mL (Landauro MH et al (2023), DOI: 10.1097/WON.0000000000001029, N=42). Individual results may vary

  3. “Fewer steps due to no need for repositioning (IFU)”

  4. Luja is 45% faster at emptying the bladder completely compared to conventional eyelet catheters*

  5. Compared to uncoated catheters.

Coloplast Ambassadors have been compensated for their time.


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