Find solutions for stoma problems such as leakage or irritated skin.

When you have a stoma it’s not unusual to experience issues such as leakage and irritated skin. However, most often they can be solved with little adjustments in your products and stoma care routines. The three self-assessment tools below will support you in finding the solution that is right for you.

Trouble Shooter

Find advice and solutions to help solve common issues such as leakage or irritated skin.

Trouble Shooter Find advice and solutions to help solve common issues such as leakage or irritated skin. Take Trouble Shooter
Trouble Shooter Find advice and solutions to help solve common issues such as leakage or irritated skin.

Stoma Care Routines

Learn the correct stoma care routines for applying and removing your appliance, to keep your skin healthy.

Stoma Care RoutinesLearn the correct stoma care routines for applying and removing your appliance, to keep your skin healthy. Learn about stoma care routines
Stoma Care RoutinesLearn the correct stoma care routines for applying and removing your appliance, to keep your skin healthy.


Chances are that your body shape has changed since you first had your surgery. Check your body profile and stoma type to find the right solution for you.

BodyCheckChances are that your body shape has changed since you first had your surgery. Check your body profile and stoma type to find the right solution for you. Take the BodyCheck
BodyCheckChances are that your body shape has changed since you first had your surgery. Check your body profile and stoma type to find the right solution for you.

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