Access to Healthcare projects in the world

As of January 2013, Access to Healthcare has 17 projects running in the following six countries:



Community workshops and scholarships. Ostomy care clinical guidelines. Projects in Mexico

Projects in Mexico

Mexico Community workshops and scholarships:

Master’s education of a small team of nurses to build capacity across six Mexican regions. Partner: Universidad Panamericana. AIM: Enrol 330 patients and professionals in community workshops on stoma care and conditions.


Mexico ostomy care clinical guidelines:

Advocacy project to create and disseminate stoma care guidelines to professionals and decisions makers. Partner: AMCHICHAC. AIM: Create guidelines together with professionals, test their applicability and promote to national policy level.



Ostomy care awareness and patient pathway project, CIC guidelines project Projects in Brazil

Projects in Brazil

Brazil OC awareness and patient pathway project:

Patient and practitioner CIC awareness and creation of a documented ‘gold standard’ patient pathway. Partner: The Brazilian ET Society and Brazil’s National Association of Private Hospitals (ANAHP). AIM: raise the standard of care of CIC guidelines practice in São Paolo and selected municipalities.


Brazil CIC guidelines project:

Updating national CIC guidelines. Partner: Brazilian Society of Urology. AIM: produce an updated national guideline for continence care, with a focus on shifting the standard of care in Brazil from indwelling to Coated Intermittent Catheters.



Capacity building for Argentina’s ostomy association and ostomy law development. Projects in Argentina

Projects in Argentina

Argentina Capacity building for Argentina’s ostomy association and ostomy law development:

Strengthening AADO to become a more effective advocate for ostomates in Argentina by strengthening its own internal capacity and organization. Partner: Argentinean Ostomy Association – AADO. AIM: Improve the capacity of AADO in representing ostomates, empower AADO to build awareness among relevant government agencies and develop a new ostomy reimbursement law in Argentina. 

South Africa

South Africa

Workshop of comprehensive management of SCI, IC awareness and reimbursement – an investigation. Projects in South Africa

Projects in South Africa

South Africa Workshop of comprehensive management of SCI:

3 day training course. Partner: ISCoS. AIM: Train 100 doctors and nurses in Spinal Cord Injury management as part of the annual ISCoS conference.


South Africa IC Awareness and reimbursement – and investigation:

Training for HCPs to build IC awareness and an IC reimbursement investigation. Partner: Quad Para Association of South Africa (QASA). AIM: Creating awareness among South African Health Care Professionals on intermittent catheterization benefits for SCI patients and understanding in depth how new IC standards of care can be covered within South Africa’s existing healthcare financing and reimbursement structures.



Wound care training workshops, SCI management E-learning resource, Worksop of comprehensive management of SCI, Pre-ostomy guidelines study. Projects in India

Projects in India

India Wound care training workshops:

Large-scale capacity building in diabetic wound care. Partner: Diabetic Foot Society of India and the World Diabetes Foundation. AIM: Train 2880 doctors and nurses across all India’s regions, offer better treatment and reduce foot amputations.


India SCI management E-learning resource:

Large-scale educational program to improve professional treatment and understanding of SCI through web-based tools. Partner: ISCoS, ASCoN and Livability. AIM: Build educational tool with scaling potential and train first 1458 professionals.


India Workshop on comprehensive management of SCI:

3-day training course. Partner: ISCoS. AIM: Train 150 doctors and nurses in Spinal Cord Injury management as part of the annual ISCoS conference. India Pre-ostomy guidelines study: A study served at researching the ostomy market to further develop formal ostomy guidelines. Partner: Tata Memorial Hospital, Mumbai. AIM: To determine the feasibility of establishing guidelines for surgical/clinical management of ostomies and post-operative care.


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